I will not talk to you unless you come to me and start a conversation. I'm not the kind of person who would start a conversation. I will shut my mouth if there is nothing I want to say. Sekian, terima kasih.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

After 3 years and half in SILENT


Dear Blog (:

Salam 1 Malaysia 

Its been a long time not update here , so today i express what my feeling was ...

"When we give our everything to others, we tend to forget about ourselves." Sometimes we just go along with everything our loved ones desire, but have you received anything in return? Don't Hope . Because the people we care about will not understand what you sacrifice for them. Take a look back at all we've done. And you'll be able to tell how much she or he appreciated you.

Heyh Diana , I know you're TIRED of everyone telling you that you are going to be okay , when really every day the pain feels like it enlarges and feels never ending . As if this what your life will be forever ?Im not telling you that one day you wont ever hurt again , and maybe you wont . But what Im trying to say is that pain , this constant heartache embedded into your heart will be worth it one day and maybe not in this life but the next for all your struggles will be rewarded in heaven . So all task of you is to hold on. 

Survive as long as possible until Allah provides a path of guidance. 2 months ago, on June 4th, 2024, I received a fantastic test and challenge from someone I adore. My children need a father figure. God had no idea how much my soul and heart were hurting until that moment. At the time, my emotions seemed incapable of bearing the pain of what I witnessed. When I read it, it brought tears to my eyes, Allahuakhbar. Look at him next to me at the time, sound asleep despite the fact that he was able to conceal things that were breaking my heart.

Why is it that the person I love does that to me? What is my sin that God puts me through such a test? The sacrifice I've made for him and this family is still insufficient. Oh God, I am not strong enough to visit my sad heart.

When asked why he cheated on me, he said it was because he was bored with me. God, why don't you shield his heart from his harmful desires and thoughts? Every day, I do my job as a wife and mother to our children, whereas he enjoys texting with other women and slandering and humiliating his wife in front of his colleagues.

He had the luxury of spending his money on the woman while I was cooking for the children and . While I prayed for his health and safe return home, it turned out that he was still having fun inviting them to commit adultery. Doesn't he feel bad about what he did to me?

He offered no solution, even blaming me for what had happened. Cheating is wrong, and adultery is still a major sin. Is it wrong for me to criticize him for what he did? As a result, he filed for divorce against me, Nauzubillah, despite the fact that he was fully aware that I was three months pregnant with his child. And we have two young children, one year and four months old, as well as a nine-year-old stepchild. What exactly was he thinking when he made such a decision?

The tears did not stop flowing day after day, and they fell silently during every prayer. Every night, I lament what happened and beg God to give me strength. Only God can provide the most effective guidance. I can still not stop thinking about what happened. Please, God, soften the husband's heart so that they can both correct themselves and repent to Him. May the husband withdraw this divorce case and remember our fate, as well as that of our children and future generations. 

He is a good husband and father if he can survive in this dunya full of zina 

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