I will not talk to you unless you come to me and start a conversation. I'm not the kind of person who would start a conversation. I will shut my mouth if there is nothing I want to say. Sekian, terima kasih.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Silly Girl

Dear Blog(:
Salam 1 Malaysia 

There was a girl , she did nothing but love and care for those around her . Her efforts used to go unnoticed but she continued doing what she loves, being there for others and healing them . She's been hurt more times than anyone will ever know, for if they did find out they would question her sanity. She lives her life giving her all to the people she cares for, giving parts of herself to make others whole . Oh silly girl , doesn't she know she's falling apart bit by bit for every time she gives a piece of herself away .How many times will it take for her to get hurt by those she holds close to her heart for her to walk away and build herseld up again . When will she learn to be selfish with who she invests her time and effort with , it was love that broke her . Shattered her . Made her feel numb towards feelings of any kind. The memories that haunt her the most , are the times when love put its arms around her making her feel a sense warmth , making her feel safe and at home . When love left , it took away her home, it took away that warm fuzzy feeling , it took away her sense of belonging . Now she is just a lost girl with no sense of direction . Its as though someone has extinguished that spark on those beautiful dark brown eyes of hers .

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